Life as a Wedding Celebrant
I’ve had some pretty great careers over the span of my life, and while I have loved every one of them, nothing compares to this one!
Being a Celebrant is the cherry on top!
Rev. Cathy Yost
When I first started, I had no idea what to expect. How difficult could it be right? Say some legal jargon, declare them married, watch them kiss, introduce them as the happy couple – done!
It couldn’t be further from the truth.

Let me paint a picture of what it is truly like to be a Wedding Celebrant…
First, you meet the most amazing couples! When you adopt a no BS policy like I do – energetically, that is – you attract the nicest, sweetest, people. They’re fun, easy-going, friendly, and incredibly appreciative of your integral role in their very special day.
Often times I’ve sat down with a cuppa to read over my couple’s questionnaires* and I am blown away by the depth of their love for each other, the amount of respect and adoration they feel for each other. It stops me in my tracks, and I often get emotional – in a good way.
The level of maturity I see in my couples is impressive. Many have been together for several years, even a decade or more, and this is demonstrated in the words that spill onto the pages. Now I take that wisdom and love and blend it into a unique and magical love story that is woven throughout their ceremony.
When I share what I have written with my couples, it often stops them in their tracks, and they get emotional. This fills me up!
Crafting a unique and personalized ceremony, based on who they are as a couple, their beliefs, their desires, and wishes is truly an honour and a privilege.
To many couples, this is a pivotal moment in their lives and the biggest step they will ever make.
The ceremony you write and officiate will become a highlight of their special day, and they will remember it for their lifetime – as will their guests.
As a Celebrant, you not only set the tone for the rest of their wedding celebration, but you also launch the rest of their lives as a newly married couple.
Standing with your couple, in front of their family and friends, declaring their love for each other, is an intimate container and bubble of love. This is a moment when time stands still and you have the most important role of blending two lives, as well as two families.
Imagine how that feels!
Initially, when you take centre stage, all eyes are on you – you command the audience, you are captivating, your presence is fun, light-hearted, honouring and lovely!
When the couple arrives, all eyes are now on these two, and you speak directly to them. This is their moment. You allow them to shine by your words and your loving presence that fills the room.
In the words of Maya Angelo, People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Every wedding I officiate, I am reminded of what a gift this is, and I cannot think of a more joyful, fulfilling career!
Much love,
Cathy x

Rev. Cathy Yost CS.p
Co-creator, Instructor, Program Advisor ~ The Celebrant and Spiritual Practitioner (CSP) program
Reverend Cathy Yost is a SolePath certified technician, a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant™ trained with the Celebrant Foundation and Institute in New Jersey, and a Funeral Celebrant trained with the Certified Celebrants Association of Canada (CCAOC). She is an ordained metaphysical minister through CIMM.Cathy officiates up to 100 ceremonies each year, including weddings and funerals.
Cathy’s journalism education launched her into writing, producing and production coordinating for television, radio and film. As a Professional Business and Life Coach she took her training in Australia with Coach University and was a member of the International Coach Federation for over a decade.
Her SolePath is Progression Inspirational Teacher and Joyful Spiritual Mystic, (Dark Compassionate Healer).