The place we’re going is into the inner reaches of the Heart and Mind. A place you look at the world in a whole new way, not for the purpose of a credential or a piece of paper, but to come to understand the psychological profile of every expression of being. To know in an instant that what you are seeing is something that is a distortion of perspective and a tool to help someone see the difference for themself.
If you could walk into a room and know who was in their light and who was in collapse without even breathing a word, would you know what to do to change the energy in the environment? Could you see yourself making a difference just by being who you are at such a powerful level that the people you know would just bend towards you like a sunflower seeking light?
These are the properties of wholeness you can’t understand even exists until you begin to seek the understanding within the human Heart and Mind at the highest level known to man. And although we fear you may think this seems preposterous and unseemable, you’re here today because that’s the very light we’ve claimed to bring forward for ourselves and our teachings.
At the Academy, we know the business of being dynamically in flow and we know the business of being backed up against the wall of the mind’s creation. And what we know we can do, is show you a way through. Shine a light on a path that is going to reach further into the template of understanding human Hearts and Minds in a way that never has before.
And this is where the work becomes uniquely your own.
How do you see yourself behaving when you are being uniquely your own?
How do you know what it means to know yourself when you’ve been living with yourself your whole life?
How am I any different today, than I was yesterday?
How are you going to set your foot on solid ground after you’ve seen the reaches of the wonders of the human mind and then have to get up to make breakfast for the family, or walk the dog, or go buy groceries?
These are the tools you are going to need to reach for, when you see a new way of being that you’ve never seen before.
It’s not all about getting up and going to a new frontier, but it is about knowing what to do when you get there. How to put your shoes on one foot at a time and how to go on being the very best and highest version of yourself without falling into the trap of your own unique and distorted way of thinking from time to time.
Where do you go when you can not see another way? You can only go to the truth of who you are and that is the deepest knowing you will ever find. That is where we begin to unravel the misperceptions and move into a powerful new way of being. And, that my friend’s is the boldest brightest vision of the future that you have ever seen.
You can’t even imagine the presence of mind it takes to become one in union with your high knowing. And once you get going on this path, you’re going to begin to see a whole new reason for being here. For stepping forward and for finally truly and purposefully being who you are without another thought in mind.
SolePath Metaphysical Philosopher Program
That’s where we are going in this program. And there’s places where you may want us to bring a light to shine on a crack or two, but mostly and most powerfully, you’re going to want to know how to do this for yourself, so that you can do this for others.
That’s what it takes to be a Metaphysical Philosopher, an innate and unique ability to set the world right on its perch. And that’s what we call spreading our wings in a new direction. Into the reaches of the Heart and Mind using concepts you’ve never heard of anywhere else before.
And once you get going on this path, you’re never going to stop. And so, that is the purpose of our being here today and every day; to find a way to be who we are. To be who we are without knowing the tools, is to walk in circles for a very long time. Lifetimes for some.
And for this who know the tools and where to go to find insight and inspiration, it’s not much harder than going for a stroll to pick up the evening paper. Except the paper you read isn’t about the doom and gloom of the world, it’s about a whole new way of seeing into the Hearts and Minds of all mankind and why they are behaving the way they are.
And you’ll know.
Finally, you’ll know that, why they did what they did right there,was because of their SolePath. And you’ll say quietly to yourself, ‘I wish I knew a way of reaching out to that person,’ and that person will suddenly come to thinking of you for no particular reason at all.
All That Can Be, May Be. All That May Be, Will.
We Can Be, all we’ve ever dreamed we’d be, simply because we know Who We Are.
Until next time…
Be on Purpose. Be in Worth. Be Who You Are.
Thoughtfully, ~ Reverend Janice
If you are called to Purpose and fascinated by exploring Metaphysical Philosophy, Personality and the Tao, then subscribe. Request your SolePath at
Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.
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