An Understanding. Even though I’m This, I’m Not That. Each and every time you respond to an aspect of your life experience, you are responding through your SolePath. What does that mean for you really? And why do you want to know it?
It means that when left to your own devices there’s going to be some days that just come at you out of the blue and you’re not going to understand why it is happening that way. The simple understanding of your SolePath, allows you to put a course correction in place.
Life Experience
When you look at your life and see that it’s screaming off the rails, hold onto your hats because once you’re in it, you’re in it to win it. And that can come across as abrupt, distorted or misperceived. It is essential that you come to a deeper understanding and awareness of the self for the simple reason that you are the one who is choosing the behaviour.
So when it comes right down to it, it’s always your ability to discern, not right from wrong but expanded and collapsed.
Reverend Janice Brown
And when you know this, truly know this, you’re going to watch it unfold in your life with a certain degree of curiosity instead of a certain degree of disdain. And can you see why that would be important in relationship management? Or as a life skill? Parenting skill?
We can talk about it all day long but there ain’t much point in the matter IF you’re not getting it for your self and your loved ones. This is where generational wins begin. And it’s also where you can start to see some relief on the edges of your horizon because if you understand how and where, you’re also going to begin understanding what the heck has been happening in your life.
You have got to know that you can make deep and profound, powerful and integrated choices in your life, otherwise what’s the point? The point is you can always come back and reflect on who you are, your LightPath and how you behave, your LightPath and your DarkPath but that’s not always going to feel like it answers the question and so I’m going to share a little trick that I learned in the past.
It’s not to enough to know how you behave unless you know you can choose towards something new. And choosing towards something new is going to feel like you rip your arm out of your socket if you’re just reaching for that lifeline when you’re on a runaway train. It’s ok. Just breath. Know that the reason you exist is for the absolute purpose of discovery of self. And once you know that you’ll really begin to crack the code.
When you know that I can look at this situation from any number of pointed positions you’re going to know why you always zone in on one or two and why that looks absurd to some and brilliant to others. It’s not that the experience is so bad or so wrong, it’s just that you’re experiencing it from inside your own mind. And once you know that, you can see the marker signs on the highway or buoys on the water, you’re going to start looking for a new response to situational awareness. And that begins to change your life experience radically.
The new hope you have in your life now, exists in a templated format you’ve never understood before. The template is the expression of the Tao through the nature of your being, and this becomes a whole new level of understanding a life, beyond purpose or meaning.
You came here to change it up, and do you want to know why? So, you could live your best life, brimming with purpose, vibrant and colourful. And not more than once did you say to yourself, I’m going to get it perfect every time. You said, ‘I’m going to learn along the way. And when I see an old story on a new horizon, I’m going to start asking myself some new and pointed questions.’
How did I get here?
Where was I travelling from?
What was in my path that was different?
What was on my path that was the same?
Each and every new exploration of the Tao and my purpose is going to set me on a new and purposeful exploration of my life. And when I know what I’m doing and how I got there, I can be sure that I will have a deeper understanding of who I am.
And I can also be sure that when I lean too far left and it goes off the rails, the car is going to come slamming down on a course correction I can observe. I might have just built myself a new opportunity to see something in a different way, so I don’t have to go galloping down that trail each and every time I get a twinge of guilt or apprehension or awareness of my own or someone else’s DarkPath.
DarkPaths are not without purpose, but they are without welcome thoughts and behaviour. And though we all want to dial it in, from time to time there’s going to be an opportunity to let it out and when that comes, know that’s there’s something important to understand about you and me together.
Together we are stronger, more powerful and more united in purpose and hope and dreams. And when that one day comes when you let fly a little curse word here or an embellishment there, know that you’re going to be just fine. Breathe and walk it out and move yourself to the other side, beyond expectation and into experience and rewards worth knowing like, how I bounce back or move to a new understanding.
How I complete the cycle of worth begins and ends with a new and deeper understanding of self than you have ever explored before. You’ve got to see your way through it to know how to do it. And you’ve got to see what happens when the tremor on the line hits. You’re hard wired to respond in ways you don’t understand without watching it through the knowing eye of wisdom.
And that’s what we’re here to do, provide some new wisdom and new insight because let’s face it friends, it can get pretty damn hot under the collar if you’re always thinking that someone is lighting you up. And it hurts to realize that, that one is you in collapse, more so than any other thing. But it also begins to feel like the break in the storm, when I know I can move to a new view point, a new position, a new bearing, you know that you are the one who is back in the saddle again moving across the planes of your hopes and dreams. And you’re going to find your hopes and dreams are planted firmly in your LightPath expression.
So know that you know this with absolute certainty and conviction. What are you going to do the next time you see a runaway train coming in your direction? To be fair, you might jump right on board because it is such a compelling resonance that you can only behave in a certain structured order of ways. And that will be your response until you get good at understanding your own feelings, but here’s the thing about feelings; it might be right now in this present moment experience, OR it might have just a little taste of yesterday and that is going to mean something new for you too.
Repetitive experiences exist for you to have a breakthrough discovery, so don’t throw it away like a wasted old rain coat on a sunny day. Look at that zipper line, the thread, the fabric and the stitching and then look at how you might construct a new pattern that could be experienced the next time you see the rainstorm on the horizon. Because rain comes, because it must, not because it decided I would like to rain only on this spot today. It comes because a certain climate or measure of influence has been created and once it’s in the downward swing rain doesn’t come back up and say, ‘Oh, I’ll go move and sprinkle a little water over here.’
It releases what it has and then moves on, maybe to a brighter day. Maybe it watered a flower, or nurtured a spirit or drowned out an old way of being. You just won’t know what it means in your life until you can look around at all the ways it has been expressed and experienced in your life.
So that’s it really, rain is a new way of understanding your DarkPath, sometimes, it’s just going to come because every little thing has been created in a certain order and purpose, but your LightPath is going to help you decide if you’re going for a little walk in the rain but there’s rainbows on the horizon, or if you need a little rain coat, or perhaps a sail boat, or even a shelter.
But you know what you need more than any other thing in that moment of despair, you need to know that it’s in you to be in awareness and have a difficult day, just like it is within you to have the time of your life. So choose. Choose a little brighter, a little calmer, a little more powerfully.
Whatever it is, choose it with all your might and then let it go and get back to the business of living your life on purpose.
~ Reverend Janice Brown
That’s all you can do really, move forward and do it with pride and purpose and hope in your heart. You’re going to find you feel a whole lot better from now on simply be being who you are in worth, instead of who you think you are in distortion.
That’s it my friends, these are the most powerful tools you’ll ever have when it comes to situational awareness, expression and experience. So, move a little to your left when you’re walking on an old path and see what new discovery lies in wait for you.
Just be certain to remember to thank yourself for being who you are, because baby, that’s exactly who We NEED You to be.
You are a light, a prize in all the world. Make it so.
Lean into your Heart.
Thoughtfully, ~ Reverend Janice
If you are called to Purpose and fascinated by exploring Metaphysical Philosophy, Personality and the Tao, then subscribe. Request your SolePath at
Rev. Janice Brown sp.M (master), CS.p Dean of Academics, The Academy of Inner Wisdom
Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean of Academics at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.
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Let’s look at the overall shape of the SolePath information first. This will organize the material and give you a place to hang the different understandings about the SolePath categories.