Your inner wisdom toolkit. thinking, loving wisdom, knowing choice, action, love
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Know your Tools

Know your tools. Take care of your tools. Use your tools.

What’s in your tool kit? Thinking. Feeling. Knowing. Discernment. Choice. Decision. Action. Love.

The toolkit is the essential element of your life. It has the things you need to thrive, not just survive. Everyone has a basic toolkit. Not everyone knows the tools inside. The tools inside are the ones you take for granted when you are going about your daily routine. The urge to suddenly stop, the desire to take a right for no particular reason. These are the inner urgings of your soul. Telling you something is down that road that you don’t normally go.

These are the moments that will make a difference in your life if you choose to take the messages to heart. You can’t imagine what can be waiting for you, a new friend, the store you have been looking for, the house you want to buy, the love of your life. Anything you need can be just around the corner but the reason you get to it is because you take heed and pay attention to the quiet voice within. You’ll know in hindsight exactly what happened. But it will take you faith to trust in advance.

For example, imagine you are driving down the street and decide to take your car in to get washed, you get there and all the bays are full. No room to get in, knowing you have a time limit, you decide to drive around the building and see how close others are to being finished. In the process you discover something that you need or that is on your list of things to do. It’s right there in front of you, but you never knew before because you don’t pay attention when you drive around the building. Usually, coming out of the car wash, you’re busy paying attention to your wiper blades and traffic. As simple as this, you have new information that is going to make a difference in your life.

Reverend Janice Brown

There is always a reason to be paying attention to the little details and the little whispers. You are going to evolve at the highest, fastest rate when you learn to listen to the whispers of your soul. The whispers of your soul are the red arrows on the detour signs of life. This isn’t the usual way but let me light up an alternate route for you. You’re still getting direction, everyone is safe, but you’re going to discover the next big thing in your life when you pay attention to the detour.

The icing on the cake is that you’ll have such a beautiful story and exciting moment to share when you actually follow through. This is the fabric of your life. The little nudges that weave a new tale. The little nudges that move you forward. The little nudges that keep on coming. The little nudges that are the most important thing you can do to move forward in your life path of living on purpose.

Your purpose is to keep living in the moment. The moments build your life. When you stop living moments, everything around you begins to stagnate and that is where all the indecision begins to dwell. Decisions are easy when you keep making them, as soon as you start holding them back with a ‘we’ll see attitude’, there is suddenly very little to see.

For the purpose of everything that you need to know the delightful, spirited play you call your life is the very essence of the work you are trying to develop. The purpose of your life is to fall in love with the main character over and over again. What makes the main character lovable, the delightful mistakes, the silly conversations, the step-by-step narration of the story that builds character, evolution of spirit and the game-winning trophy at the end of each little script. Don’t try to shorten the script by cutting out the main learning segments, these are the real a-ha’s that build the masterpiece of an epic. Your life is epic. You are epic. Stop playing bit-parts, you’re the headliner in the production. Master your role and you will become what you seek.

You will always wonder why you didn’t do the little thing that would make the difference in your life. Start to notice the little details. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can have your cake and create a whole new cake at the very same time. The important thing is to keep eating your cake and not just looking at it like it’s a pretty little thing loaded with calories. There should be no dread, no judgement, only delight and wonder and desire.

The desire to live your life gives you a life. The desire to keep moving keeps you centered in the play area and not drifting off to the sides and the out of bounds region. You can’t be a wallflower and live the life of your dreams. Centre stage that’s where you belong.

You need to see yourself as the most important character, the one you love, the one you cheer, the one you keep pace with throughout the story so that you can be the story. That is the meaning of the term interactive audience for others. For you interactive audience means that you the character step off of the stage and interact with the audience. You have to participate with all the players, not just the cast on the set. You have to play the part that is truly in your heart. No sidelines. No waiting. No hibernating.

As you begin to watch your life unfold you will see the beauty of the intricate path that has woven the fabric wrapped around you. You can always pause, enjoy the moment, see the beauty of it all. But this only happens when you are in the moment. You can’t see the beauty if you aren’t participating. You have to trust that in the midst of it all, you will find you. You are the sparkling gem, the hidden treasure. You are the one thing that no one else can be or have. You are the wisdom of your moments. You are the beauty of all time. You are the reason this book is being written. You are the spark in your heart.

You then, are of the utmost importance. You are the reason you can exist at all. The very fact that you are desiring to know yourself at a deeper level means you will find you. You can’t unfind yourself, by burrowing your head. Once you’ve noticed you are here, you are here fully, on all levels even if you are only exploring what that means.

You have a task to undertake, it is the reason you are here, to live a life of purpose and content. Content is the ease with which you will live the life of purpose, as you align to yourself each step becomes more simple, more basic, more forthright. You can’t undo the words of the mind with the heart, you must feel them with the heart.

This is the way of becoming clear.

This is the way of opening yourself to the path before you.

This is the journey to open the heart.

Use your tools!

~ Reverend Janice

If you are called to Purpose and fascinated by exploring Metaphysical Philosophy, Personality and the Tao, then subscribe. Request your SolePath at

Rev. Janice Brown sp.M (master), CS.p
Dean of Academics, The Academy of Inner Wisdom

Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean of Academics at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.

Her SolePath is Progression Spiritual Warrior and Joyful Intellectual Lateral Thinker, (Dark Intellectual Controller).

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