What we teach at the Academy of Inner Wisdom. Meditation, the Tao, online learning self development, practical skills.
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The Academy of Inner Wisdom, Putting You First

All that can really be understood about the work at the Academy of Inner Wisdom is that it is heart driven. It is not the essential career path in a traditional sense, at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, we put you first.

Our motto, if we were to say we had one is simply,

Purposeful Action: a Calling

Now purposeful action is what some might consider a career path but what we term a calling. A calling is something you were put on this earth to do. So, each and every time you are compelled by the heart to step forward, know that we will be there. We are here to offer guidance and submit some curious talking points about the development of the soul’s evolution.

We would say that there’s no place like the home you’ll find at The Academy of Inner Wisdom. The place where we put the comprehension of soul first, above all others. We’re not here to grade you on your marks or essential thoughts we’re here to clear a path to the way you choose to be in service to your own soul’s calling.

Can you imagine…

Can you imagine what would be said at the water cooler each and every time you saddled up to talk about your soul’s calling or inner purpose? This is not main street schooling. This is not the conglomerate of all the academic study of your life. This is the exploration of purpose and worth on a whole new scale, so you are going to find that what we call academics, and you call study is really about a service to the heart.

We know who you are at a deep and resonant level, and we are here to help you explore the path home to yourself. And when you have a deeper understanding of who you are and how you want to be in this world, you have a deeper understanding of what feels purposeful and what feels light.

Come together for one single moment of pure intention and you’ll understand what we are here to talk about. We take the 180 on traditional goals:

  • Not how to compel another forward but how to be who you are.
  • Not how to complete a cycle of tasks but how to look forward.
  • Not how to be in escalation on a career path but how to step forward with certainty.

We really want to drive this point home; we are here to help you be who you are to fullest potential and realization of your soul. In guiding you forward we see all the places that can be of benefit to yourself and others. And so, after you complete this cycle of worth, you’re going to find that you see things a little less clearly about what you thought you saw yesterday but far more certain in what you see today.

Move Forward with Confidence in your Life

This is the development of visual acuity and the perception of the soul. It’s not that we don’t graduate people from time to time, it’s that people graduate themself into a new way of being and that is our purpose, that is our goal. Helping people to be who they truly are so they can move forward with confidence in their life. In a way with absolute certainty that may have evaded them before simply because they didn’t have a clear and rightful understanding of who they are when they are standing in their own power.

So let’s simplify this for you my friends that come to study at the Academy of Inner Wisdom; those that know who you are, won’t question what you are here to do. Simply because it is the thing that was always meant for you to do. And so, we say with light and joy in our hearts that we are here to help you see who you are through the deepest reaches of the heart and mind and that simply being who you are is enough to carry you forward.

Understanding Who You Are

When you understand who you are, you won’t be swayed by the university degrees on your own or someone else’s walls. You’ll simply trust and know what to do, what is and isn’t meant for you. You can always come back to The Academy with your new sense of purpose and hopes and dreams and move forward on a path that lends a credentialing of the wisdom services you have come to understand. But know this is always about you and who you are when you are in service to light of your divine self and the deeper calling from within that we can the soul’s yearning. Now we can’t put a doctorate or a degree title of sorts in front of that type of wisdom, but know this…when you know, you know.

And that’s all there is to it.

You are Worthy

What we are saying, and what we deeply want you to know is that you are worthy of being who you are, no matter what. So, we are going to talk to you with our gentle, direct nature and help you get moving in your fast forward in this lifetime to really be who you wanted to be, who you intended to be when you step forward into to this life to say, ‘I want to be the very best me that I can be. And I want to do that with joy in my heart’.

That’s what We Teach

Well friends, that’s what we teach, the multiple pathways to explore the joy that is within your heart. And that’s not all. We teach you how to understand yourself at the deepest level. And when you understand that, we teach you how these understandings may benefit others but it’s not impossible to imagine that you could just take this new insight home to the dinner table and simply bring forward some new insight or a topic of conversation.

This path is not going to take you down the diploma trail, but it may nudge you in that direction. It’s not going to say that I have all the wisdom I need to know about a certain career path of exploration, it’s going to say, ‘I know how to discern what is important for myself’.

Grow Yourself

And so, for the time being, if you want to explore these understandings at a more surface level with less direction and more self-direction, we encourage you to step forward into your heart mind and take a look at the conversational tools we have developed and explore our development of the self through our personal development course criteria. We call this “Grow Yourself.”

Evolve Your Life

  • Academic achievement: Being who you are in uncertain times.

In the next level of exploration, we can recommend you to some tools that guide you to purpose and your deep worth. We call this “Evolve your Life.”

  • Academic achievement: Certainty in my path
    (study your own SolePath)

Transform the World

And finally, if you are here to see a brighter day and a more purposeful reach in the work you are doing across the board, you can do what we consider the development of the academic self through the portal of knowing and understanding. And that’s not putting any thoughts in your head other than your own.

What are you going to do now that you have these tools of understanding and exploration of self-discovery under your belt?

You may want to expand on the work you are already doing and for that we have some courses in professional development that encourage you to bring your whole self forward into the services that you are already offering and say,

We call this “Transform the World.”

  • Academic Achievement: Being who I Am in Service

And that’s it. That’s all we really do. Facilitate discussion about being who you are in the most accomplished of ways. So, let’s get down to exploring the wisdom within the inner mind, the depth of the soul’s journey home to purpose. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. So don’t hesitate. Step forward confidently and directly into your own path of inner knowing and wisdom. And we’ll be there for you each step along the way to offer some insight, some guidance, or a tool. And before you know it, you’ll be exploring this life, like you have never done before.

I will draw a new thread for you to braid into your understanding of metaphysics. Metaphysics includes the study of an inner certainty that goes beyond the boundaries of faith and the limits of logic and reason. And for that reason alone, you’re going to find that we can’t label exactly what it is you’re going to get out of our programs, but know this, by the time you’re done walking yourself through this direction and that direction, you’ll finally see what it means to be who you are in purpose and in worth and for now, we would say, that’s certainly enough.

How may we serve?

That’s all you need to know for now, so step forward into your heart’s desire and let us know where we can be of service. That’s what we are here to do to, service the facilitation of your own personal growth and exploration through the dynamic and powerful understandings of the Tao and a little bit of practical application along the way to help you see success where you have been struggling before.

We like to ask, ‘How may we serve?’ And to us that answer is how we connect with you through the portal of understanding and offerings at the Academy of Inner Wisdom.

It’s time. Come find what you are looking for!

~ Reverend Janice

If you are called to Purpose and fascinated by exploring Metaphysical Philosophy, Personality and the Tao, then subscribe. Request your SolePath at www.solepath.org.

Rev. Janice Brown sp.M (master), CS.p
Dean of Academics, The Academy of Inner Wisdom

Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean of Academics at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.

Her SolePath is Progression Spiritual Warrior and Joyful Intellectual Lateral Thinker, (Dark Intellectual Controller).

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