Foundations. paving crew paving
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Foundations. Paving your way to Greatness.

It wasn’t all that long ago that it seemed there was a simpler way to be in the world than being who you are. It seemed like doing what you should kind of got you there.

Who you are is not some magic 8-ball sitting around telling you what to do. Being who you are is going down through your roots and into the trenches of your heart and mind and coming back up again with a bouquet of roses to pass to the next person you see on the street.

It’s being who you were always meant to be in the moment instead of what you planned to do next Wednesday. It’s getting up in the morning and going for a brisk walk and then flopping on the couch with a bag of potato chips from time to time. It’s waking up in the early morning hours and watching life crawl back into the world from the margins. It’s painting a brand-new bedroom a different colour and then coming back and painting it what it was yesterday. It’s how you be in the moment. And it surely is how you find your way to greatness.

Now this isn’t your everyday story kind of hootenanny. This is you being you no matter what you think you are supposed to be doing and then taking another step forward from there. It is living in trust. It is being on purpose, and it is surely the pathway to the greatest moments of your life of a sweet surrender that you can only know. It’s you being you. And that’s what we are here for.


Foundations. It’s about paving your way to greatness with a fervour in your heart that compels you down each step of the road. And this road doesn’t have to land you in the ditch anymore. This road is paved with certainty. It’s a kind of moment of revelation in its own way because it is so clear, so certain, so pure that no other thing can interfere with you meeting your goal.

And your goal might be a great deal different than my own, but I will tell you this is what we have in common once you have taken Foundations, your life is going to feel a whole lot calmer. You’ll walk into to the kitchen one day and suddenly decide to just get on with your life. And that’s all it’s going to take. Not a hit parade. Not a flowing blanket of stars. Just a settled place of conviction that feels a lot like, ‘Hmmm… oh wow…wouldn’t that be lovely?’ And that’s all you needed to take the step forward into being who you are.

You are going to write some daft and goofy things some days and think, ‘Whaaaaat was I thinking there?’ And then come back the next day and find they are the simplest, most elegant words your heart has ever known. That’s how it is when you live life from your own throne, being who you are in the moment. Just letting the world arrive to you on your doorstep when you need it.

Now, I know a thing or two about paving and I just recently watched this in full blown life outside my house recently. The thing that comes to me is the simple realization that it was a heck of a lot of work.

First there was a lot of clearing out things that weren’t necessary. Even things that kind of miffed me because I liked them, like the lilac bushes that had lived there for so long. Then there was digging some trenches that went deep into the earth and lifted all the boulders out that were in the way. Do you know what did the big work? Water. And a power source was laid deep within a safe cocoon. And access to power was brought from the root and made available for everyone to connect with. Then it was gently covered over with a blanket of earth to keep it safe deep inside.

Then new rocks and sand and a packer that shook the earth and every single thing that lived within a mile around knew THAT was happening. For most it was a low and steady hum from a distance that you didn’t really register until that certain vibration was gone. But if you were right beside it, it rattled the teeth inside your head.

Then manpower and the dedication of a series of teams of people working together with only one common goal in mind.

It was everyone that lived there moving in a different direction when you couldn’t go out to the parking lot and step in your car each morning. You had to go find it. And sometimes you walked this way and that before you saw it sitting there right where you left it but couldn’t remember how to get there. 

It was a new experience for everyone in the neighbourhood. And there were a few grumbles. But then suddenly you could see a new shape being formed after all the destruction had taken place. And let me tell you it was a while of living with a gigantic mess. And noise and dust flying in all the windows and walking through rubble and interfering with your everyday routine. And even a few days of sitting around looking at garbage that you didn’t need anymore because the bins had been moved away too.

And then suddenly when the paving crew came in, in what seemed like a moment, it was done. Each crew coming in and doing what they do best and then making way for the next to come in and do what they do best.

It was perfect. Almost like it had always been that way just a certain new freshness about it. That was special, that last piece of it becoming what it was meant to be just happened in the blink of an eye. It was so smooth and fresh and Gosh what is that smell? Oh, but isn’t that amazing!

And here’s a thing I didn’t know, they put a special layer on it to protect it. So even though it looked ready, it needed to rest. Time to breathe. Time to cure and settle and come into its own readiness. And you know who didn’t care about it during the rest time? Little kids on striders and skateboards…they saw it for what I was…a brand-new place to play and have a giggle or two. I guess play and rest can each have their own kind of inner power.

And by Tuesday everyone will Ooooo and Ahhhh for a few days when they finally get to park on it again. And by Tuesday next it will seem like it’s always been this way. 

And that’s a CERTAIN rhythm.
Work and root and build and pave and appreciate and rest.
Work and root and build and pave and appreciate and rest.
Work and root and build and pave and appreciate and rest.

Or is it rest and appreciate?
Well, that depends on who you are. But you’ll know.

Isn’t life going to be good and simple and different now? Wow. What a difference a day makes. Oh, and guess what? We all live in the same houses with a refreshed power source that’s been solidified and park our cars in a different fresher places but still get to be here. Right here. Exactly where we are with a new and certain ease.

Funny, isn’t it? How building the right foundation paves the way to a simpler way of being. Its work. But it’s great! Really great.

And I’ll tell you, that’s a little secret we’ve known all along. Whether it’s a parking lot or you being who you are, the answer is the same….

Foundations. Paving your way to Greatness.

~ Reverend Janice

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Rev. Janice Brown sp.M (master), CS.p
Dean of Academics, The Academy of Inner Wisdom

Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean of Academics at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.

Her SolePath is Progression Spiritual Warrior and Joyful Intellectual Lateral Thinker, (Dark Intellectual Controller).

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