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What Does it Mean to Be Who You Are?

Often, we find ourselves at loss for words when looking for an explanation about what it means to Be Who We Are, so here’s a little insight about being in service to your truth, your power, your highest self. 

For starters, not everyone is going to turn to you for wisdom and not everyone is going to really care. And once in a while, you’re going to feel like you’re bursting inside because you have so much important stuff going on. But the truth of who you are is only here to know you by feel. Only here to love you by feel. Only here to be part of the most organic experience they have ever come to know.

Rev. Janice

And so, that is the point of being Who You Are. Being who you were meant to be. It is not about getting your truth out there for the whole world to see but it is about being in experience and perspective and in truth, a little naïveté.

When we see it and know it and be it, we suddenly realize that all those moments of grand importance don’t matter much if I’m not being who I am in truth.

And so, the whole platform of knowing, this simple and kind experience of life is to be able to say that the one thing we’ve always been, is too complex to put into words, but we sure know it by feel.

Rev. Janice

And so, that is enough. We get to stop blizzarding around the world and just stop for a minute longer here and a minute longer there, and then we’ll know what it is we are meant to do…. breathe, whisper, enjoy. And that’s not going to stop you from working like the busiest beaver you’ve ever been. But it is going to begin each day with a sense of purposefulness you’ve never experienced before.

And so, when you find yourself working from dawn til dusk with no real sense of time, know that you have a failure switch built deep inside that is not going to allow you to go off the rails. You’re going to see what it is you are doing and understand it in a new light and come back to that journey the next morning refreshed and renewed.

And call it what you may, but we call it the journey of the deepest path you have ever come to know. And that’s going to stop you in your tracks from time to time with the new set of ease and resilience that you walk around this world knowing and that’s enough for you to be All That You Are and then some. All That Can Be, and then some. All That May Be.

And that’s the truth of your experience, from time to time you’re going to be flat out, balls to the walls and then in the very next moment you’re just going to stop and breathe. Stop and see. Stop and know. And you’re going to feel something deep inside that feels like purpose and come to know that feeling as love.

Love prevails, and that is Who We Are.

There ain’t no mistaking it, from time to time you’re going to feel like global warming was just an afterthought after some time apart from a consciousness with such a proclivity for doom and gloom. And you’re going to think to yourself deep inside, I saw the error of my ways. Or, I wish I had only known what it was you were saying to me. Or, Why didn’t someone shake me by the shoulders and get with it? 

And you’ll need to stop and congratulate yourself for having such a bold recollection of those experiences because there’s going to come a day where that part didn’t seem quite real anyway, and that’s when it’s going to loosen its grip on your heart. That’s when you’re going to think to yourself, ‘Yeah, I may have been a schmuck back then, but at least I know what I’m talking about from experience now.’ And that’s going to help someone. That’s going to help someone greatly, just to know that there’s another way of being on the other side of distortion.

And that’s what we all came here to do. To know Who We Are without the distortion of the fear lens. And so, what I see as being most helpful during these time of unfamiliarity with what is going on around and within me is simply to play a little racquetball from time to time. Get out on a court and smash a few ideas around and then shake it off into a new sense of being, and order and congruence and that’s when you’re going to start to feel a little more invincible. A little more ease. And a little more fun.

And that’s enough. That’s all you can really do.

  • Be Who You Are in alignment.
  • Then, Be Who You Are in truth.
  • Then, Be Who You Are in service.
  • And then, Be Who You Are in resilience.

And resilience is not a dish we like to serve cold. It’s the truth of every man’s experience that we can know Who We Are without distortion. And that’s going to feel like a lot of mighty fine mornings and fine afternoons stacked up in a row. So, breathe. Let it all out. And get back to sharpening the axe. Because from time to time you’ve got to quit cutting down that tree and go have a beer with boys and sit in the middle of the noonday sun, or float around on a boat for a while, because that’s where life is. That’s where joy comes from. It’s in the moments of ease that we recognize our own burden is not to be the one who says, ‘I’m here and I’ve done it all’, but ‘I’m here to be it all’.

And that’s the day you’ll realize that I have been on a journey my whole life, not just this moment but the next. Not just this moment but the last. And there’s going to start to be a moment where you see a whisper of light that you never noticed before.

And that light my friend is You, shining your very brightest.

And that light is You letting the world know Who You Are.

Now, whether you’re a Warrior or a truth seeker, that’s what we call Hunter, it’s not going to matter much because Who We Are inside IS who the world needs us to be. And there’s going to come a day when you’re going to say, ‘Why didn’t I simply surrender to the one thing I always knew I came here to do?’ And the reason is going to be because you knew that in time, you could only ever be Who You Are.

And so, you decided to stack up just a few more experiences of uncertainty, so you could look through that lens from time to time for old times’ sake. But it’s not going to be a moment longer until you snap out of that delusion and simply say,

  • ‘What have we got going on here?’ 
  • ‘What have we got going on inside that we never knew about before until this very moment?’ And,
  • ‘Isn’t that a delicious can of worms to explore?’  It is.

And it’s one you can be gentle and easy about because from time-to-time those worms can get awful wriggly. So just step away from the night vision goggles you’ve been wearing and look around through the lens of the light and see what it is you have been missing.

It’s going to feel like coming home and like you missed the after-party to go look at the dawn instead. But don’t let that worry you, when you’re here for the dawning of a new day it’s going to seem like there’s a lot of twilight around you.

But once you know, You Know.

Once you see, You See.

And once you are, You Are.

You are one united front of humanity and that’s going to seem a little risqué from time-to-time. But there’s enough to go around for everyone. Always will be. Always has been that way and it’s only the limitation of the mind that has kept you apart in any way that ever really mattered.

So, it’s a relief to know that you can construct an old paradigm or you can step forward into a ‘knew’ way of being without much more than a single thought of hope and resilience.

That’s what we wish for you to know. You can only Be Who You Are, so be in alignment with that certainty inside and let it flow. Let it allow you to crest the wave and ride through a new way of being just one last time to get a better look at the world than you have ever done before. It’s worth it. It’s worth every bated breath and sorrow. Because once you’re in it, you’re going to forget from time-to-time that you could be any other way. And that’s going to feel like Hope and Worth and Joy combined into a fist fight of love, for every one of those emotions is going to be clamouring for your world view.

So, take a breath tell yourself of Hope, and tell yourself of Light, and tell yourself of Dreams, and that there’s time and space for you all to enjoy the ride. And then loosen up a little. Brighten up a little. And see where this new day is going because it’s going to be one fine moment of Faith and Hope and Light that takes you home into your very own field of dreams.

And that’s Who We Are, the voice inside that says, ‘This Way, not That’. And that is a truth to behold. It’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind like you’ve never known it before.

So let it Be. Let it Come.

Be Who You Are and then go have a pizza or a beer and relax a little. It’s just a new way of being not a dismantling of the psyche. Not a reroute to purpose that is going to have you hanging by your fingernails off a cliff edge.

It’s just… Light.

And Light always shines. It knows no other way.

Until next time…

Be on Purpose. Be in Worth. Be Who You Are.

~ Reverend Janice

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Rev. Janice Brown sp.M (master), CS.p
Dean of Academics, The Academy of Inner Wisdom

Janice is an avid fan of metaphysical purpose, congruence and being in expansion. She looks for ways to simplify intangible concepts and bring them home for a place to rest in your heart. Congruence of the Heart and Mind is her life’s work, her purpose and her passion. She is the Dean of Academics at the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath Master Mentor and an ordained Metaphysical Minister through CIMM.

Her SolePath is Progression Spiritual Warrior and Joyful Intellectual Lateral Thinker, (Dark Intellectual Controller). Janice is the author of the HeartMind Metaphysical Mystery Series, Stories of a Girl.

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