Academy of Inner wisdom, collage of sunrises, beautiful flowers and person walking forward through a field. Acadamey of Inner wisdom understanding
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Where do I go when I want to Study Who I Am at a deeper level?

Well, the simple answer is you know who you are. The more difficult answer is you’ll only come to understand this through the experience of life and living. How can I explain to you the secrets of the universe that your soul came here for you to know? I can’t. I can only guide you…

SolePath Metaphysical Philosopher Program
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SolePath Metaphysical Philosopher, Explorers of the Heart and Mind.

If you could walk into a room and know who was in their light and who was in collapse without even breathing a word, would you know what to do? That’s what it takes to be a Metaphysical Philosopher, an innate and unique ability to set the world right on its perch. And that’s what we call spreading our wings in a new direction.